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Welcome back!

Writer's picture: Mira KirshenbaumMira Kirshenbaum, let’s see—where was I?

Oh, yeah! Sorry!! I just stepped out of the room for a couple of years and I lost my train of thought.

For those of you who know me, I apologize for my long silence and mysterious disappearance. It’s easily explained:

First, our website got infected with a virus—just like the rest of the world!—and had to be taken down completely.

Second, we moved to Los Angeles after living in Boston for 44 year, 39 years in the same house. Kind of a big deal, and not just time consuming but mind consuming as well.

And third, we wrote a new book! Why Couples Fight. More to come about that, but it makes a pretty loud appearance right on the landing page of this our new website.

For those of you who don’t know me—us!—here’s our deal. For the last 45 years we’ve helped people change their lives, first through deliberately change-making therapy and then also, since 1991, through what will soon be sixteen books.

It’s weird, I know, but while these books usually come out under my name—Mira Kirshenbaum—and sometimes come out under my husband’s name—Dr. Charles Foster—in fact we write them together. We do! We talk them out onto the page, not without some real battles from time to time. But they’re all based on our combined experience with the real problems of real people as you and I really experience them.

What are we about?

I’d love to say we have some “approach” or “-ism” we build everything on. But we don’t. Our “-ism” is realism. Our approach is whatever works. More specifically, all the research that goes into all the books we’ve written is based on what real people like you do that’s successful at dealing with the problems that the rest of us struggle with.

So what you get is no-bullshit, no-hype, user-friendly help that’s custom tailored just for you. Check out our books. You’ll see!



Contact Us

At this point we are limited in our ability to respond to new requests for our services. You can contact us at for further information. We can not, unfortunately, give advice about your situation via email. But there’s an excellent chance that the help you need is sitting right there in one of our 15 books. That’s what they’re for!

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Site created by Annie Gense & Rachel Kirshenbaum

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